Lord, I Call...
Lord, I Call...Tone 1 (Carpathian Chant)
O Gladsome Light (Carpathian Chant)
Saturday Evening Prokeimenon, Tone 6
St. Simeon (Carpathian Chant)
O Heavenly King - Tone 6 (Carpatho-Russian Chant)
Great Litany (Carpathian Chant)
1st Antiphon, Bless the Lord, O My Soul (Carpathian Chant)
Only Begotten Son (Carpatho-Russian Chant)
3rd Antiphon, The Beatitudes (Greek Chant)
3rd Antiphon, The Beatitudes (after A. Arkhangelsky)
Come, Let us Worship (Traditional)
Come, Let us Worship (Carpathian Chant)
Byzantine Tone 3 (Arr. Professor Michael Hilko)
As Many as Have Been Baptized (Traditional)
Before Thy Cross (Traditional)
Sunday Prokeimenon from the Octoechos (transcribed as sung at St. Nicholas)
Who is so Great a God as Our God? (E.C. Kustovsky)
Alleluia Before the Gospel
Litany of Fervent Supplication (Mokranjac/Serbian)
Augmented Litany (Unknown)
Cherubic Hymn
(Georgian Melody), Arr Fr. Stephan Meholick
(Carpathian Chant, Tone 2 Special Melody/House of Ephratah)
("Divnaja Novina" Melody) - Advent/Nativity
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Carpathian)
Creed (Carpatho-Russian Chant)
Creed (Zadonskoye)
Lenten (Kievan Chant Special Melody - "Behold the Bridegroom")
Hymn to the Theotokos
It is Truly Meet (Tone 8)
It is Truly Meet (Carpathian Chant, Tone 2 Special Melody...When from the tree...)
All of Creation (Galician Chant), Arr Fr. Stephan Meholick
All of Creation (Tone 6, Russian/Obikhod)
The Angel Cried (Valaam Chant/M. Balakirev)
Our Father (Carpathian Chant, Tone 5)
One is Holy (Carpatho-Russian Chant, Slavonic/English)
Praise the Lord from the Heavens ("Radujsja Carice")
Of Thy Mystical Supper (Tone 6)
A New Commandment (Carpathian Hymn)
O Pure Virgin (Rejoice O Unwedded Bride) - Hymn by St. Nektarios of Aegina, Melodized by the Brotherhood of the Sacred Monastery of Simonos Petras
Receive the Body of Christ (Carpathian Chant, "Radujsja Carice")
Receive the Body of Christ (Moscow Chant)
Receive the Body of Christ (Alaskan Melody)
Receive the Body of Christ (Great Lent, "The Noble Joseph")
Receive the Body of Christ (Advent, "Divnaja Novina")
We have Seen the True Light (Tone 2)
Psalm 33 (P. Mironositskii)
Weekday Vespers
Evening Litany - Great Lent (Carpatho-Russian)
Lenten Prokeimenons (Sung on Sunday Evenings - Turn not Thy Face.../Thou hast Given an Inheritance...)
Dismissal - Great Lent (Carpatho-Russian)
Divine Liturgy
Holy God (H. Benigsen)
Cherubic Hymn (Kievan Chant)
Anaphora - Lenten (Kievan Chant Special Melody "Behold the Bridegroom")
All of Creation (Galician Chant), Arr Fr. Stephan Meholick
All of Creation (Obikhod, Tone 6)
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
Evening Litany - Great Lent (Carpatho-Russian)
Let My Prayer Arise (Carpatho-Russian Chant)
Let My Prayer Arise Refrain (Carpatho-Russian Chant, Arr Archbishop Job)
Let My Prayer Arise Refrain (Carpatho-Russian Chant, Slavonic)
Hymn of the Great Entrance (Now the Powers...)
Our Father (Presanctified)
Communion (One is Holy - Koinonikon/O Taste and See - I Will Bless...)
Dismissal - Great Lent (Carpatho-Russian)
Sorrowful Mother (Carpathian Hymn)
Evening Litany - Great Lent (Carpatho-Russian)
Troparion Alleluia...Behold the Bridegroom (Tone 8, Carpatho-Russian Special Melody)
Troparion When the Glorious Disciples (Tone 8)
Exaposteilarion, Thy Bridal Chamber
Hymn of Cassia, (Holy Wednesday Matins, Sung Tuesday) arr. Fr. Stephan Meholick
Preterpivyj/Having Suffered (Slavonic/English), Archbishop Job (Osacky)
Dismissal - Great Lent (Carpatho-Russian)
Sorrowful Mother (Carpathian Hymn)
Matins of Holy Saturday
Lamentations, 1st Stasis "In a Grave, They Laid Thee"
Lamentations, 2nd Stasis "Right it is, Indeed" (Galician Chant)
Lamentations, 3rd Stasis "Every Generation..." (Greek Chant)
Resurrectional Troparia "Blessed art Thou, O Lord, Teach Me Thy Statutes..." (Znamenny Chant)
Holy is the Lord, our God (Tone 2)
Great Doxology (Plain Chant)
The Troparion (The Noble Joseph)
Prokeimenon 1 (Tone 4)
Prokeimenon 2 (Tone 7)
Come, Let Us Bless Joseph (Pskov Chant)
Hypakoe, Before the Dawn (Carpatho-Russian)
Hypakoe, Before the Dawn (D. Soloviev)
Irmos, Ode IX Canon of Pascha "Shine, Shine..."
The Paschal Verses, "Let God Arise!!"
Paschal Kontakion - Tone 8 (Carpathian Chant)
Paschal Prokeimenon (Unknown Composer - for Large Choir/Small Choir)
The Angel Cried (Valaam Chant/M. Balakirev)
Paschal Troparion
Serbian Melody & Ukrainian Melody
Nativity Matins
Polyeleos (Glinak Hermitage Chant)
Song of Ascent/From My Youth (Valaam Chant)
Prokeimenon (Tone 4, Znamenny Chant)
Canon of the Nativity of our Lord
Ode I (Arr. Fr. Stephan Meholick)
Ode III (Arr. Fr. Stephan Meholick)
Ode IV (Arr. Fr. Stephan Meholick)
Ode VIIII, Hymn to the Theotokos
Exapostilarion (Hieromonk Victorin)
Great Doxology (Plain Chant)
Boh Predvicnyj/On This Bright Day S&E
Nebo I Zeml'a/Heaven and Earth (Text Only) S&E
V Viflejemi Novina/There is Joy in Bethlehem (Carpatho-Russian) S&E
Slavonic Carols 1 (Text Only, Slavonic Only)
Slavonic Carols 2 (Text Only, Slavonic and English)